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Raining Symphonies

For those who sense rain............

Talking about the songs being sung by nature, its not essential that everyone has heard those all or one of those songs. Everyone surely has enjoyed rain but its not necessary that everyone has listened to the amazing songs and symphonies of rain as well.

One can surely question that what is the song of rain?

So coming to the answer of above mentioned question,  imagine that you are standing in sun and are sweating. You wish to have a comfortable temperature reading along with some suitable rain . As soon as you wish , you witness the first rain drop impacting with your forehead and you feel the intense happiness because of fulfillment of your desire.
You will not only be happy but will be in some degree of thoughtfulness that wasn't it a too quick response from nature? While pondering upon the rate of phenomenon , if you continue to investigate , you will come to know that every drop falling has some unique meaning and sense of understanding that is constantly being delivered to you.
Every rain drop generates a unique sound while impacting on surface or different surfaces and when it impacts you, its sound is rather faint but sense is strong and proportionally depends on your ability to sort the sense. This skill is mastered by practice , something we call meditation.
Each rain drop has a sense, each sense constitutes a situation and each situation when cascaded with other leaves  you with a story that is beautifully stated by the symphony of nature to your wit.
It is up to you that either you form something nice and worthy out of rain or you just ignore to understand the magical understandings.  
Love is another powerful symphony coming from intrinsic nature of mankind and is only the reason that it has flourished and ravaged over the life spans in general.  
While stating love in its most lovely states, one goes to sky, comes back to soil, faces hardships and among them finds his ONE and thanks love for being a constant companion by his side.


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